SCOM can cause Unchecked Growth in SSODB

Ok, that’s a bit of an attention grabbing headline, so let me clarify that statement: SCOM can cause unchecked growth in SSODB if you’re not regularly backing up the SSODB transaction log.

We encountered this one today – a client’s SSODB ran out of space overnight, causing the BizTalk environment to shut-down. On further investigation, it would appear that every time SCOM checks the health of Enterprise Single Sign-On, an entry is recorded in the SSOX_AuditXpLookup table:

ESSO appears to be clever enough to manage the size of this table, truncating it every 30 minutes, however this doesn’t help if you’re not managing the size of the database transaction log through backups. To quote the SQL Server documentation:

If log records were never deleted from the transaction log, it would eventually fill all the disk space that is available to the physical log files. Log truncation automatically frees space in the logical log for reuse by the transaction log.

All the more reason to enable and run the supplied Backup BizTalk Server job to help maintain the health of your BizTalk environment.

If you’re looking for more information on the Backup BizTalk Server Job, take a look at my series of posts on the topic:

Hat-tip to this MSDN Forums posting that helped us identify the issue.